The studios offer unlimited possiblities for skulpting. We offer the following matierials: Stone (on inventory: Sandstone, Marble), Wood (on inventory: Almondtree, Iroko), We also offer all Metal and welding techniques, berstein, ceramic. You can create molds and paint. Everything is practical and possible in our studios. The studios are built to handle and realize large forms of art, such as, backdrops for the theater. There is also an apportunity to use the Natural surroundings to inspire and create “land art”. The Association Cantagal asks a fee for the using of materials during the finishing of your art project.
Writing, drafting, painting, changing materials, hiking, dreaming, discovering the surrounding landscape, sharing the location with other artists and guests…this is the live in Cantagal. Barbara and Daniel will be pleased to help with directing and explaining how to use and handle the material and tools needed for your art projects.